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Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Task 5
Ex 1
Task 6
Task 7
Ex 2
Task 8
Task 9
Task 10
Ex 3
Ex 4

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1. Load the file (File/Open) named WPTASK9

2. Read the section on INDENT MARGINS on the separate program guide sheet.

3. Select the whole text (Edit/Select All) and change the left margin to 1cm and the first line margin to 0cm.

4. Select one paragraph only, the one that is all in upper case which starts WARNING - DO NOT ... and indent both the left margin and the right margin by 2.5cm.

5, For each numbered paragraph, move the cursor onto the capital letter at the start of the sentence and press the [tab] key, marked . This will straighten up the text on the new margin but leave the number inside the margin. This technique was used for the paragraph numbers on this page.

6. Read the section on JUSTIFY MARGINS on the separate program guide sheet.

Notice that the left-hand margin of the text is always straight (LEFT JUSTIFIED) but the right-hand margin is staggered according to whether a word will fit at the end of a line. Select all the text (Edit/Select All) and straighten (justify) both margins.

7. Rename and save the altered file (File/Save As) using the filename WP9

8. Print the text (File/Print).

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Page last updated 23/05/2003 © Copyright, I.D.Lee, Didcot Girls' School.
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