This exercise involves further practice with the search and replace facility introduced in Task 7.

1. ENTER the following text exactly as shown:

Name: ....... Date: ....... Filename: WPex2


Life for children in school as at home is based upon security, praise and encouragement of attitudes, skills and attainment appropriate to their stage of development. The aim of such an approach is to help them become more confident, versatile and aware - qualities which will allow them best to fulfil their abilities and, when necessary, compete with others.

This approach is well summed up in the words of Dorothy Law Holte:

xxx criticism, he learns to condemn.
xxx hostility, he learns to fight.
xxx ridicule, he becomes shy.
xxx shame, he learns to feel guilty.
xxx tolerance, he learns to be patient.
xxx encouragement, he gains confidence.
xxx praise, he learns to appreciate.
xxx fairness, he learns to like justice.
xxx approval, he learns to like himself.
xxx acceptance and friendship,
he learns to find love in the world.

2. At the top of the text if you haven't done it already, DELETE the dots and ENTER your name, the date and your filename (see below).

3. SAVE your file as WPex2a.

4. Make a second COPY of the last paragraph a few line spaces below it.

5. In the second copy ONLY, use the "search and replace" facility to REPLACE xxx with the words If a child lives with

6. Such qualities only appear to be masculine! In the second copy ONLY, replace he with one (but check the bottom line afterwards as you may have changed the to tone).

7. CENTRE every line in the second copy.

8. SAVE the edited version of your text as WPex2b.

9. PRINT a copy of the whole text.

10. FINISH the program and return to the network menu.