

Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Task 5
Ex 1
Task 6
Task 7
Ex 2
Task 8
Task 9
Task 10
Ex 3
Ex 4

Helpsheets - new window Program Helpsheets
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1. Start a new file (File/New) and type your address as it would appear on a letter. Save the new file (File/Save) using the filename WP10A .

2. Start a new file (File/New) again and type the following letter:

1 January 1990

Dear Aunt Agony

I am 14 years old and my parents won't allow me to stay out until after midnight, they won't even let me go on holiday with my boyfriend this summer and they get very upset when they see me smoking and buying gin and tonics down the local community centre. It's nag nag nag all the time. It's not my fault. I didn't ask them to be my parents. Is it possible to change them or perhaps get them educated?

Yours sincerely

(your name)


3. Save the new file (File/Save) using the filename WP10B .

4. Move the cursor to the start of the text and add the file (File/Add or Insert/File) called WP10A which should be listed in your directory. Your address should then get added to the top of your letter.

5. Rename and save the altered file (File/Save As) using the filename WP10

6. Print the text (File/Print) and hand in your work.

7. Now do EXERCISE 3 and/or EXERCISE 4

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