My Retirement

I retired after far too many years of secondary school teaching and IT systems management in December 2011. Retirement is a big life changer and I gave it a lot of thought about what I was going to do:
  • Dithering around the house - DIY, computer work, housework, cooking and various indoor hobbies.
  • Getting outside for exercise and sunlight - walking the dog, cycling, gardening and similar activities.
  • Social interactions - voluntary work, theatre, evening classes.
  • Learning new skills and making use of old ones - while involved in any or all of the above.

Information Board erected at Hungerford Road car park >

National Trails Volunteers

The Ridgeway and Thames Path

February 2012 onwards

Environment Agency Volunteers

River Thames Locks

August 2014 onwards


< Radcot Lock

Page last updated: © I.D.Lee