ICT Reservations - Download

Version 3 Pro

The download link provided here requires the username and password that is provided with your purchase of this version.

disk ICT Reservations Pro v3.06.18.exe
ICT Reservations Pro v3.06.18.zip
(updated 13/11/2014)

Download the zip version if you do not have full administrator control of your network and/or unable to run executable files. (This may be the case if you have an externally managed network). Once unzipped locate and open Setup.vbs and install to an existing staff shared area.

Version 2 Pro

The download link provided here requires the username and password that is provided with your earlier purchase of this version. This version will continue to be updated for bug fixes only.
disk ICT Reservations Pro v2.12.exe
ICT Reservations Pro v2.12.zip
(Updated for bug fixes only 01/02/2008)

STANDARD DISCLAIMER: You may use and apply the information provided on this page only for the intended purpose. The author does not accept legal responsibility for the contents of this page or for any effects that the use of the software provided may have on your computer system.